2006-07-16 04:40:41 - ScreenShot!

Okay - so I admit to watching the http access log for a bit after putting this site online. I've noticed a lot of people go straight to the screenshots page :) I had originally intended to leave it empty until I had a more polished program, but it seems you really want to "see" how it's coming along.

So I've placed a single screenshot up on the ScreenShots Page Dialup users be forewarned - it's a 1280 x 1024 .png

Much of what you see will change - I find the Mac OS X font window to be overkill / too clunky for most uses, and am going to phase it out. I'm not sure why the latest build of the details drawer has it turned dark grey - launching NXPress in order to take this screen shot is the first time I've noticed it. See! You guys are already helping me find bugs!


1. Morgan Aldridge
Sun, 16 Jul 06 08:33:08 -0700

Lookin' good! This, proper synching, and SSL/SSH support are the only things I actually need to keep my Newton going.

Morgan Aldridge


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