2006-06-27 03:43:11 - Site goes up!

Finally the website is in place. I've spent the past few weeks building a DDR pad playing DDR, refinishing a coffee table for my parents, force feeding Google my resume, working on Newton X Press, and putting todether this website. As you can see, the site is pretty much ready... well, the screenshots and downloads pages are a bit bare at the moment, and the comment system is a bit funky, but I have a place other than the NewtonTalk archives for my long-winded rants about Newton press.

If you peek at the version history page, you will see that I have listed a rough outline of my progress, current tasks, and future goals. As I said, it's rough, and is intended to be a fluid, changing list, rather than a rigorous list of tasks to complete. The list will grow, and that's okay.

I went ahead and copied my previous two HUGE emails to the NewtonTalk list as News entries on this site, along with the responses I received as comments. If anyone is unhappy that I did so, let me know and I'll be happy to remove any comments upon request. Speaking of comments, anyone can post a reply, under any name they want. I will be LOGGING IP ADDRESSES however, so I highly suggest against impersonating one another. I reserve the right to edit/delete obscene or inflammatory comments, and repeat offenders will have their IP BANNED. I don't expect any problems from the NewtonTalk.net crowd, but if hooligans come across this site, I am prepared to moderate and keep things clean.

For now, the comments system is doing essentially no formatting of your entries, so it is possible to embed html in a comment. This is the only way you can make links clickable, or inline images - so get used to <img>, &lt;p&gt; and &lt;a href&gt; tags for now. In the future I will incorporate custom markup tags and auto-formatting of newlines, but right now I just want to get this site on the web.


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